Monday, November 29, 2004

Letting Go, Moving On.

This morning, our church held its last service in its center in Recto avenue. We're moving to another place near Espana, bigger, cleaner, safer and a few notches higher in over-all standing. They removed the air-conditioning units three weeks ago so it was hot, still the service was, as always, lively. I wasn't going to attend (scared of another headeache due to extreme temperature) but a friend was making kulit that I should come. And so I was late and harrassed, but became calm when I sat down at the back. I hate to admit it but a sentimental mood came upon me and suddenly I was sad about leaving the place. This is where a lot of faith-filled things and breakthroughs were realized. I know God had another place for us, a better one, but still, can't help but reminisce about this center.

Its funny how you become attached to certain things, or certain people in your life. And as you struggle to keep these attachments that you've grown to love, you are restraining God's move. Sometimes He wants to budge you a bit from where you are right now into a much better place but I guess He can't, not unless you let go. Letting go is easier said than done. Often, there is fear of leaving your comfort zone mixed with fear of venturing into the unknown. It becomes more complicated when lack of faith is thrown into the mix.

I went through all of these not so long ago. I was asking God about the purpose of this difficulty. I couldn't understand at first but I think now I know why. God always places answers in corners, you will only learn them when you go through the turn. I won't go into details but it was a d*mn hard thing to go through. But through God's grace and unending patience I was able to do it. I've let go and I'm moving on.

* * * * *


I talked to a friend, over coffee, about letting go and moving on. Coffee makes me calm and helps me think, weird huh! So beware, friends, when I ask you if you can buy me coffee, its talk time! There was a younger audience who didn't know what the heck we were talking about. I didn't recall telling her but I can understand her pain as I went through something of the sort when my... naah.. forget it! :-) Well, it made me sad to see her, someone that I look up to, going through a most confusing time in her life. But I know she can rise above her situation.

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